MVIC Autumn Training 2024

The topic is Inhalation Product Development. We will run MVIC Training during two days face-to-face in Lund, Sweden, in connection to MVIC Symposium.

MVIC at DDL2023

The 6-8 December, MVIC will once again attend the Drug Delivery to the Lungs Conference 2023 (DDL2023) in Edinburgh. Come visit us! Find more information below.

Summary of a Successful MVIC Symposium 2023

As we summarize MVIC Symposium 2023, that took place in Medicon Village, Lund the 11th-12th October 2023, we can conclude that it was a very successful conference. Below you find some photos from the event.

An appreciated Autumn Training 2023

The 9th-10th October 2023, MVIC arranged MVIC Autumn Training, which was one of our reoccurring two-day training courses in Inhalation Product Development. Find the Training dates for next year below.