MVIC Services

The Breathing Profile Generator – an Efficient Tool in In Vivo Prediction Inhaler Testing

MVIC offers in vivo prediction inhaler testing with a Breathing Profile Generator. Read more below.

As part of inhaler development and characterisation, testing with realistic breathing profiles is useful and relevant. We have such capability available (both as a service or equipment for sale) and use it in various configurations, e.g. equipped with different anatomical throat geometries to even more mimic a patient situation. We can record human breathing profiles and load them into the equipment for replay purposes.

Testing with the breathing profile generator has been published in Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery: Validation of a General In Vitro Approach for Prediction of Total Lung Deposition in Healthy Adults for Pharmaceutical Inhalation Products, Bo Olsson, Lars Borgström, Hans Lundbäck, and Mårten Svensson. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. December 2013, 26(6): 355-369. doi:10.1089/jamp.2012.0986.

If you want to discuss in vivo prediction testing further, please contact MVIC ( or Emmace.

If you want to purchase the equipment, please contact AB FIA.

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