Inhalation NewsMVIC Services

XRPD with Synchrotrone Radiation

MVIC sub-contractor Magle Chemoswed, in collaboration with Lund University, has used the synchrotron facility at MAX IV and compared it with standard XRPD (X-RayPowder Diffraction) approach.

MVIC sub-contractor Magle Chemoswed, in collaboration with Lund University, has used the synchrotron facility at MAX IV and compared it with standard XRPD (X-RayPowder Diffraction) approach. Utilizing this technique, the signal-to-noise ratio was significantly increased, allowing for much lower detection limits but also more precise and sensitive identification of crystalline content or presence of polymorphic impurities. The example is for tablets but can of course be applied also on inhalation powders where the API concentration typically is very low. Read more here.

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